This EPIC Adventure is an overview of WWII. It is general and sweeping, not specific. The focus is on the cycles of history, the European and Pacific theaters, the home-front of America, and the post-WWII world. While other areas of the world were also engaged in WWII, there isn't enough time in a typical school year to do them all justice.
This Adventure is designed to last an entire school year. It contains the following Components and Topics: An Army of One Hero Generation Their Finest Hour (European Theater) Never Give In (History/Setting) Number the Stars (Government/Rights) Soldiers Without Guns (Power of the Word) Uncommon Valor (Pacific Theater) Day of Infamy (History/Setting) Banzai! (Government/Rights) Never Give In (Power of the Word) Arsenal of Democracy (Home Front) War Machine: Civvies to Khakis (History/Setting) A Necessary War (Government/Rights) We Interrupt This Broadcast (Power of the Word) Scissors Beats Paper Celebration
This EPIC Adventure includes an explanation of the Heroes Journey and how to use it throughout the year. It includes 10 tips for experiencing a great EPIC Adventure. It also includes instructions on the rationale for the year, suggestions for school supplies, binders, Journals of Discovery, Accoutrements (timeline, field trips, dog tags, visitors, song for the year, literature time, etc.), procedures, charts, mind maps, the year-long research project, and celebrations (opening, closing, etc.) You do not need to use everything that is provided. Read it, mull it over in your mind, then add your own ideas to make the adventure your own.
Key Points are given for each topic. These key points are the information you want your child to learn. They can be read to your children (boring!) or presented in fun ways via games, visitors, challenges, activities or other methods. Most families use a variety of ideas to present the key points, even reading them at times. See a sample of key points here.
Inquiries are like assignments, only the children get to choose (sometimes with help or direction from a parent) which ones they do. Some inquiries are easier than others. Others may take many days of work or lend themselves to group or family projects. Every key point will have several inquiries that go along with it. The inquiries incorporate every learning style and age range, as well as different subjects like language arts, science, or drama. If your child can not find an inquiry that excites him, let him write his own or write one for him. See a sample of inquiries here.
To see an overview of how an EPIC Adventure works, visit the How It Works page.
Blogs and Other Resources
Blog from 2008
Pictures and Videos
Field Trip to the Pacific Aviation Museum - 2012
Making Periscopes - 2012
Punchbowl Cemetery - (National Cemetery of the Pacific) - 2012