A Noble Birthright: Defenders of the Title of Liberty, is a year-long EPIC AdventureTM based on Colonial history and the founding of the United States of America. Starting with Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty, learn about those who were led to the Promised Land, including the inhabitants of Roanoke Island, Jamestown, and Plymouth. "Meet" patriots like George Washington, John and Abigail Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson. Learn about how our constitution came to be and how we can defend it today.
This adventure is designed to last an entire school year. It contains the following Components and Topics: Land of Milk and Honey Land of Promise The Lost Colony - Roanoke, Jamestown Who's Stepping on Plymouth Rock? - Pilgrims East of Eden - 13 Colonies Possessors of the Land Abigail Adams - Footsteps on the Freedom Trail Harvest Home - Daily Colonial Life Benjamin Franklin - Footsteps on the Freedom Trail A Common Common - Colonial Town and Trade Colonial Christmas - Colonial Recreation and Holidays Patriots Great and Noble George Washington - Footsteps on the Freedom Trail Sons of Liberty "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" - Patriots "The Shot Heard 'Round the World - Continental Congress, Lexington, and Concord Price of Liberty Thomas Jefferson - Footsteps on the Freedom Trail Let Freedom Ring - Declaration of Independence The Spirit of '76 - Revolutionary War, Star-Spangled Banner The Un-United States - Articles of Confederation A Wise and Glorious Purpose James Madison - Footsteps on the Freedom Trail Miracle at Philadelphia - Constitutional Convention A Heavenly Banner - Constitution We the People - Government Today Hanging By A Thread Defending the Title of Liberty
This EPIC Adventure also includes explanations of the theme concept, how EPIC Adventures work, how to teach to the theme, teaching strategies for incorporating all the subjects, planners, organizers like journals, time lines, binders, a History Museum, and 40+ pages of additional resources including books lists, music, and field trip ideas. It also includes ideas for opening and closing ceremonies, mind maps, and how to do a year-long research project. You do not need to use everything that is provided. This curriculum is also flexible enough that you can use your own ideas and even the ideas your children come up with.
Key Points are given for each topic. These key points are the information you want your child to learn. They can be read to your children (boring!) or presented in fun ways via games, visitors, challenges, activities or other methods. Most families use a variety of ideas to present the key points, even reading them at times. See a sample of key points here.
Inquiries are like assignments, only the children get to choose (sometimes with help or direction from a parent) which ones they do. Some inquiries are easier than others. Others may take many days of work or lend themselves to group or family projects. Every key point will have several inquiries that go along with it. The inquiries incorporate every learning style and age range, as well as different subjects like language arts, science, or drama. If your child can not find an inquiry that excites him, let him write his own or write one for him. See a sample of inquiries here.
To see an overview of how an EPIC Adventure works, visit the How It Works page.